Error While Decoding Mb 40 9 Bytestream 9

15:16:49 nevcairiel@ if you have a file that was encoded with old x264, then strip its SEI and then complain that it doesnt decode right. Then your file is just broken:)15:17:14 nevcairiel@ because old x264 produced broken files15:17:40 BBB@ I was going to say, was this file generated with old x264 but not signaled as such?Broken video encoded with older version of x264 but since SEI was stripped FFmpeg can't detect it. Either tell the authors to stop stripping the SEI or use a newer x264.

Depending on which packet is lost, you will see varying errors in the decoding process as you indicated in your post. The higher system load running ffmpeg also indicates that your network card might be dropping packets, when e.g. Ffmpeg takes too long to read them while it is busy transcoding the video.

I am trying to capture an RTSP stream from a VIRB 360 camera, into OpenCV. The video is H264 and according to one of the comments here, OpenCV 3.4 should be able to handle it. Here is the code:

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I have compiled OpenCV with ffmpeg and gstreamer capabilities. When I run the following Gstreamer command, I am able to stream it, but with a delay of 3 seconds (not acceptable):

On the other hand, I get a 0.5 second delay using ffplay/ffmpeg command (acceptable):


In the OpenCV code written above, using cv::CAP_FFMPEG flag in the line:

gives the error:

If I use cv::CAP_GSTREAMER, it throws no error, but nothing happens. I believe that the problem is that OpenCV is not able to handle UDP transport layer. What are the possible solutions? Kindly provide suggestions.

Edit 1:

I was able to get capture the stream by following this. I made the following changes: instead of cv::VideoCapture cap('rtsp://', cv::CAP_FFMPEG); the code now has:

However, it throws the following errors:

which means the video is sometimes glitchy and looks like:

I believe it has something to do with:

setenv('OPENCV_FFMPEG_CAPTURE_OPTIONS', 'rtsp_transport;udp', 1);

The third argument 1 was not part of the original solution in the link and was added by me to avoid the error of too few arguments for setenv.

I would appreciate any suggestions ..(more)

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